Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

One Last Post

This is sad news. I knew Bob just a little and for a very brief period of time. It makes me sad...


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Disaster Today After The Fire Drill

After the fire-alarms went off and most of you went home, Caitlyn and I went back in the building to try and print. Lindsay had to take off and go to her darkroom class. As we were walking around we could hear the pitter-patter of raindrops in the ceiling. After a few minutes people in the building started to realize that it was water leaking from the pipes...or somewhere.

Everyone went into battle mode. We dropped everything and started to move expensive items, cover them with whatever trash bags we could find. Several iMacs were having water dripping right onto them for several minutes. For the most part the quick thinking of people helped save the most expensive items we have down there. There will be a few iMacs that will need to be dried out...who knows if they can be salvaged. 

The original intent was to have prints due tomorrow during class. I am not sure that I can, in good conscience require them to still be due tomorrow. There's just no way that Phil can have the print lab up and running by tomorrow morning.

If you have your prints done, bring them. If not, don't worry about it. We'll talk about what can happen about the printing. 

Meet at 11am, just as planned. Bring your food. If we have to move rooms we will figure that out when we get there. I'll try and get there early and see what the situation is.

Thanks to Caitlyn for jumping in and just doing what needed to be done.

Please Be A Better Photographer Than This

Please do the right thing. This was the WRONG thing.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Helen Brush Jenkins

A pioneer in photojournalism has passed. Read her obit and look at the gallery.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Alex Webb

This is the photographer that we just barely missed seeing at the BYU MOA.

Alex Webb has an interview in today's LA Times.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Finals Schedule and Requirements

Ok gang, here we go! Finals next week and I can't wait to see what you have come up with for me.

Here's how we'll present. Monday we'll do Camera Phone and Portraits. I want to have you present in one of the classrooms that has a decent projector and I have used the classroom upstairs before. The nice thing about the room upstairs is that the screen is huge and there is a nice podium that you can speak from. I'll let you know what room we'll be in, so look for a sign on the darkroom door.

Each of you will stand in the front of the class and present your work. Feel free to talk as long as you'd like. Tell us what was important about your project. Tell us what you learned. Tell us about your struggles and tell us about your successes. Be prepared to offer feedback to those who are presenting. It is important to me that you are all able to form an opinion and articulate it. This is not going to be a 'Roast'. This will be a productive and inspirational critique. I promise.

Here's the schedule of days we'll present.

Final Critiques

17 - Camera-phone, Portraits
18 - Cause, Process (printing from 2-4pm in the print lab)
19 - Specific Place (snacky-food, food non-optional, 58% of your final grade is on your food).

Bring some light snacky-snacks to eat on the 19th. Here's your chance to impress us with your most recent recipe from Pinterest. ;)

Some requirements on your blog posts:

Create ONE blog post per assignment. 

You should put all of your photographs together in one blog post. Feel free to add as much additional text as you'd like. You can write below each individual image or you can add one block of text at the end. Either way is fine. You should plan on writing SOMETHING. It will help you when you present to have some thoughts in order. Please don't read what you put on your blog. Just get up and talk about what you did.

Minimum of five images for each project, maximum of twenty. Make 'em good.

Please, please, PLEASE remember the C.L.U.E.S.? when deciding what images to include and what to NOT include. I will be basing the majority of my grading on how well you can follow those guidelines. You have seen a LOT of great examples this term. Hopefully some of it has rubbed off. From what I have seen it most certainly has.

If you want to see how other classes did their finals and how they generally laid out their blog posts you can go to the blog for last spring.


On Monday we'll go over some things about presenting. I'm sure you will have some questions and we can answer them before we start presenting officially our final work.

ALSO...I believe we have two presenters on Monday who will be doing their reports about their photographers. Plan on taking 15 minutes each.

It'll be a busy day, but we may end up finishing early. If we do, we'll just dismiss and meet again on Tuesday. If it looks like the entire class time is too much then we'll adjust either the starting time or the ending time depending on what you guys need/want.

Tuesday will be the Cause and the Process. Afterwards from 2-4 we'll go to the print lab and print. 

Wednesday we'll finish and we'll probably end quite a bit early. If we do then I can show you some of the work I've been doing. I'll bring prints or show on the projector. If you'd rather just end early that's totes fine too. We'll play that by ear depending on how you guys are feeling.

Super-duper excited about next week. Feel free to call or e-mail or text if you have concerns or questions.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Photoshop and Body Image

Yeah yeah...we've heard it all before right? The Dove commercial was super powerful. The other Dove commercial was also super powerful.

Those two examples of a positive and affirming message of women's body image pales in comparison though to the constant barrage that the media (and suppliers of imagery to the media) pounds down the throat of consumers.

Here's another before/after Photoshop comparison that is pretty powerful.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Scanning Demo

We will be doing a scanning demo on Thursday, June 13th. Bring negs. or prints, that you may want to scan.


Tomorrow in class starting at 11, Phil has graciously opened up the print lab for us to use as a lecture space. We will go over printing and the workflow. Please come (EVERYONE...) prepared to take notes and pay attention. IT WILL BE SOMEWHAT TEDIOUS, SO PLEASE STICK WITH THE PROGRAM.

Today we will be going over printing after the guest speaker.

We have a SPECIFIC TIME that Phil has allowed us to come in and print next week. You can come and print anytime the print lab is opened, but Phil is giving us TWO HOURS of time that is no one else but our class to print. Next Tuesday from 2-4pm is when he is coming in specifically to let us print. I will make the prints for the final due on Wednesday so you have time to come in and print on Tuesday afternoon.

The Print Lab is also open the following days and times:

6/10 10-2pm
6/11 11:30-2pm
6/12 10-2pm
6/13 11:30-2pm
6/18 11:30-2pm
6/20 11:30-2pm

I will go over the specifics of printing, how to pay, what sizes to make them, and tomorrow during class. IF you cannot be here you will be missing IMPORTANT stuffs.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Work Day Tomorrow

Hey it's a work day tomorrow...if you guys want to come and process film, it would be a great time to do that.

Let me know if anyone is coming...if NO ONE is coming, then I have something else I can do. :)

Where Can You Photograph?

Here's an article written by a lawyer that works for the National Press Photographers Association. It's a good one.


Perfect Pinterest Picture

This is a pretty interesting article about the Perfect Pinterest Picture.


Calibration and Profiling Software

Go to THIS LINK and you will find some downloads for the software that I use to calibrate my monitors (all 5 of them).

There are downloads for both Mac and PC.

Download and install on your computers and we'll calibrate your monitors. I'm bringing my calibration device today and we'll play with it for a while.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Speaking of working in the darkroom...

Here's a cool article about the photographers and darkroom technicians at Magnum.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Would You Die For Your Work?

Tim Samaras did yesterday in the tornadoes in Oklahoma.


Read about his amazing research and his unbelievably complicated camera.


Friday, May 31, 2013

Pink Slips

Twenty-eight Chicago photojournalists lost their jobs yesterday when the Chicago Sun-Times laid off their entire staff in one fell swoop. Instead of having Pulitzer Prize winning photographers on their staff, the newspaper is going to rely on reporters with their cell-phone cameras.  Sigh.

Read what John White has to say about this recent turn of events.


A friend of mine and former colleague, August Miller wrote a blog post with a few of his thoughts.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


And OK, since it's a photography class and this just now caught my attention...I'm posting it.

Tea-kettle ad looks like Hitler.




There is this saying that you know you're getting serious when you start making your own tools.

Well, there are these guys who are interested in filming inside a tornado with an IMAX camera. In order to do that they had to make some pretty cool tools. One of them is this vehicle they call the TIV2 (Tornado Intercept Vehicle #2).

So now they've got this truck and want to put it inside a tornado. Yes, I think they're crazy too...but check out what happened to them YESTERDAY!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Revolution 909- (it's kind of a documentary...)

Ok, so not really, but I like how it's filmed and the story it tells. Plus I'm the teacher so I get to do what I want to on the class blog. So there.

Three Mormon Towns

So, guess what I just bought on eBay this morning? Yep, the September 6, 1954 Life magazine that we saw at the museum.

Price? Fifteen bucks. Cheapest Lange you'll ever find I think.

There is a totally awesome google books site that has old life magazines.


Anyway, let's talk about Monday just for a minute...since it's like a National Holiday and stuff, we probably won't have class.

Let's plan on bringing cameras and computers on Tuesday and have our panorama demo then. Also if you want to bring your old cameras we'll check them out.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I thought yesterday was pretty great. Thanks for being attentive and having good questions. Here are some totally incredible iPhone photos.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Here's what Judy, Lindsay and Valerie were able to accomplish yesterday. For the rest of you, you may want to work on a chart like this. It'll help to solidify what you want to photograph.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Polygamy and the FLDS

Again, a HUGE shout-out to Trent for coming and sharing his amazing work.

Here's the link to his blog.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Another Article About Photo Editing

This one is pretty good. It goes into detail as to the 'hows' and 'whys'.


Monday, May 13, 2013

How Much Is Too Much?

So part of the challenge of trying to 'tell the truth' with photography is deciding which lines to cross...and which ones not to.

We'll talk a lot about digital manipulation this term. Show some examples, talk ethics, etc...

To get you started and to also give you some links to read about various news outlets 'code of ethics', please read the following article:


I think that we will have some interesting discussions about this.

And a good FOLLOW UP ARTICLE to give you an idea how people look at images in a forensic fashion and how they can back up their claims to a manipulated photograph.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Cloud

Hopefully we won't talk about The Cloud like we talk about The Devil, but it looks like it's getting that way.

Digital photography is a slippery creature. All aspects of it pose serious challenges. Here is the latest, and it's one that doesn't look like it's going away.

Read this article about Adobe moving it's software to a subscription based model, much like Netflix.

Friday, May 10, 2013

An Online Conversation About Ethnic Photography

Here's the link to the conversation we're having on the Large Format Photography Forum regarding ethic photography. There are a LOT of names mentioned. We have just scratched the surface. Please take a few moments this term and read through this thread and do some research on these photographers. These names, BTW, are a GREAT SOURCE to find names of photographers you could talk about during your individual weekly presentations.



KKK Burning the Cross
© All rights reserved by Don Dudenbostel
Photographed in Strawberry Plaines Tennessee in the eastern part of Knox county during the summer of 1971.

E-mail Updates

So...the e-mail update sidebar widget actually DOES work. Problem is...I JUST NOW received notification that the blog was updated YESTERDAY at 2:44pm. I am not sure I'd rely on e-mail updates exclusively to tell you when to check the blog. Dang blogger anyway.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

House Calls

House Calls by Ian McLeod, National Film Board of Canada

Dr. Mark Nowaczynski has gotten wide acclaim for his work as a physician and also his work as a photographer. Here's a nice article.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

First Post Regarding Copyright

I wonder how many I'll be able to share with you this term. I'll count 'em.

Kickstarter Campaign Using Stolen Images

Calendar of Events

May -

7 - UVU Library, Book Day
9- Lightroom mini-refresher
14 - John Telford, speaker, Kate Lovell - photographer presentation
15 - Trent Nelson - speaker, Staff Photographer - Salt Lake Tribune
20 - Judy Day - photographer presentation
21 - BYU Museum of Art - Edward Burtynski, Dorothea Lange, Diana Turnbow (curator of Photography at MOA at BYU)
22 - Brooke Morrill- photographer presentation
28 - Valerie Cheatham - photographer presentation
29-30 Mid-Terms

June -

4 - John Steele, speaker
10 - Clarke Goldsberry, speaker
11 - Printing Demonstration - BRING A SWEET IMAGE READY TO PRINT!!!!!
12 - Ryan Muirhead, speaker
13 - Scanning Demonstration, Caitlyn Pearce - Photographer Presentation

Final Critiques

17 - Camera-phone, Portraits
18 - Cause, Process
19 - Specific Place (Pot-luck lunch buffet, food non-optional, 57% of your final grade is on your food).


I started shooting my cause last night. PETT...People for the Ethical Treatment of Trees. Never heard of it? That's because I just made it up.

I have seen trees like this for years and I cringe when I pass them. I have wanted to do a project about them for a long time. Maybe this is the start.

Drowning Tree, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013


Utah Valley University
Art Department
Documentary Photography - Art 2710
Instructor: Michael Slade
Phone: 801-803-4818


Class    11:00 am - 1:45 pm    MTWR    GT 530     May 06, 2013 - Jun 21, 2013


Documentary Photography is designed to introduce the photographer to various concepts regarding the documentation and description of the real world as it exists. This is a class where we will learn to separate the difference between work that is about you and work that is about others. The primary goal of shooting in a documentary style is to not make the work about you. There are a few exepctions, and we will explore the meaning of both throughout the term.

This is an accelerated class. Because the summer term format is shortened there will not be many weekly assignments, but rather a pretty comprehensive mid-term as well as several days of project critique at the end of the term. There will be benchmarks you will be asked to hit and demonstrate that you are making progress through the term, but the majority of your work will be shown at the end of the semester.

We will be calendaring heavily so that there is no confusion as to what is due and when.

This is a documentary photography class - not a digital manipulation class. Commenting on your world accurately and with purity of intent is vital. Turd-polishing is NOT allowed.

Class assignments will be given through the class blog, which is here:

You will each be creating a blog of your own to turn in your work to be seen by the class and by me. There will also be a printing component of the class so that you will have hard-copies of your work. This is important to me and will be stressed and graded.

This is a class where most if not all of the assignments and subject matter will be generated by YOU. I will give you a rough outline but you will be required to find your ultimate subject matter. This is a class that will keep you busy and will require you to stay on top of deadlines and plan ahead. This is training for the REAL WORLD. 


Digital camera - preferably one that can control shutter speed, aperture, focus, ISO sensitivity and shoot in RAW.


Card reader - you need to be able to get the images you make with your camera into the computer. The lab will NOT have card readers for students to check out. Yes, you can download your images from your camera to your computer, but it eats the battery and it is just downright inconvenient. Do yourself a big favor and get a USB 2.0 card reader. Do NOT loan these out. They have a nasty habit of not coming back.

External storage device - This can come in many forms...thumb drive, external hard drive, etc... There will need to be a place that you can build your library of images. External storage devices can come in all kinds of sizes and price-points. Choose accordingly. An 8 or 16gb thumb drive would be sufficient for this class.


Textbook - The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers, by Scott Kelby

If you are serious about getting the most out of this class, get this book. It's $40 new from Kelby directly, but you can get them used on Amazon too. I will NOT be going through this book chapter by chapter, rather using it for SUPPLEMENTAL material. It would be a good idea to get this book if you plan on asking me a lot of questions about stuff I don't want to cover. Eventually I'll tell you to buy the book.

Tripod - it will become your best friend. Apart from the camera and software, it is the most important piece of equipment you can purchase. They do NOT have to be expensive.



This is college. It is for adults who want to learn. Sometimes it is hard, sometimes it is fun. Oftentimes it is both. This course will return what you put into it, if you give this course maximum effort, you will learn and earn a high grade. To do this will require you to take charge of your own learning. This is a commitment. Part of this commitment is to come to class on time, be attentive, ask questions, keep your mind open to new ideas and fulfill assigned projects on time. Sometimes problems may arise that may interfere with your learning. It is important for you to communicate beforehand with your instructor about any problems. When understood and anticipated beforehand these problems can be easily resolved.

Learning is a synthesis of ideas. You will build upon the knowledge and ideas that you already have learned. Try and approach this course from that perspective. You are the one responsible for your success in this course. Make a commitment now to your own learning and success.

Revisions to Syllabus:

The standards and requirements in this syllabus may be modified at any time by the course instructor. Any changes will be announced in class.

Disability Accomodation:

Student should inform the instructor of any special need he or she may have. Academic Accommodations are granted for all students who have qualified documented disabilities.


Please be present not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. Be on time, and prepared with the proper materials, reading, research and assignments. Excessive absences will have a drastic influence on your grade. If you are aware of absences that may occur due to illness, doctor appointments, or other circumstances, please discuss them with your instructor via email or phone before you are absent.

If I am late in arriving to class, you must wait a full 20 minutes after the start of class before you may leave without being counted absent, or you must follow any written instructions I may give you about my anticipated tardiness.

Classroom Conduct:

I will conduct this class in an atmosphere of mutual respect. I encourage your active participation in class discussions, lectures, and demonstrations. Please be attentive, respectful, and prepared to learn. Each of us may have strongly differing opinions on the various topics of class discussions. The conflict of ideas is encouraged and welcome. The orderly questioning of the ideas of others, including mine, is similarly welcome. However, I will exercise my responsibility to manage the discussions so that ideas and argument can proceed in an orderly fashion. You should expect that if your conduct during class discussions seriously disrupts the atmosphere of mutual respect that I expect in this class, you will not be permitted to participate further. The student is expected to follow all policies regarding photography. Any misuse of the equipment or failure to follow policies may result in an immediate dismissal from the class.

Work/lab days:

Lab days are given for you to work on your projects. Lab days are a time used in the lab where you will work on your projects and have more personal feedback from the instructor both with technical and conceptual issues. Lab days are not just free days you must be present for your assigned lab time.


Critiques are one of the most important elements of this course. Attendance and participation in each critique is mandatory. Critiques will give you feedback that will help grow and develop your work, as well as push you as an artist. Taking notes from the discussion of your own work as well as from others work is required. Critiques are another place for you to learn to talk about and discuss your work. Incorporating and following the advice given by the instructor through the critiques is also critical to your growth. I ask that you conduct yourself with respect for each other. Be sensitive and open to each others ideas and techniques. But come with an attitude of how we can grow and improve. Critiques are a place where we discover solutions to the challenges we face in our image making. Critiques are about the work, not about the person. They are not a place to hurt each others feelings. Critiques are for us to be critical in a constructive way. They create dialog that can help you grow as an artist, and make your work stronger. To do achieve this it is important to separate your personal feelings you may have for the content and form of your work.

Lecture / Discussion / Demonstrations

You will receive most of your instruction through lectures, discussions and demonstrations. It is important for you to be actively involved in paying attention, taking notes, research and contributing to the class activities.


Communication Devices:

The use of cell phones or other communication devices is disruptive, and is therefore prohibited during class. Except in emergencies, those using such devices must leave the classroom for the remainder of the class period. This will include text messaging. Remember that your phone does have an off button. There are very few things in the world that absolutely cannot wait. Please turn off your phone at the beginning of class.


Students are permitted to use laptop computers during class for note-taking and other class-related work only. Working on projects, or internet use during lectures, class discussions, or demonstrations will not be permitted, unless it is designated by the instructor. Those using computers during class for work not related to that class must leave the classroom for the remainder of the class period.


Assessment of learning will consist of number grades. More specific objectives will be provided with each assignment. Final grades will be determined by a simple formula: total number of points earned/total points possible. Additional explanation of the assignments will be provided in class demonstrations, lectures, and discussions. We will also be having in class critiques. Through critiques we will be learning how to asses your own learning. From this assessment we can make adjustments and directions for improvement. Late work will receive a full-letter-grade reduction. NO late work will be accepted after 1 week. An assignment that is turned in on-time can be re-done at any point of the semester. Late work can NOT be re-done.

If there are circumstances that cause missed deadlines, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor. For some circumstances accommodations can then be made to avoid late penalties.

Grading will be determined by the following items:

• Following assignment directions and requirements
• Formal and technical aspects of image making- exposure, composition, lighting, etc.
• Creative ideas and techniques
• Presentation - quality of prints, presentation
• Participation in class discussions
• Attendance

CLUES will become very important. Follow the C.L.U.E.S.