Tuesday, June 25, 2013

One Last Post

This is sad news. I knew Bob just a little and for a very brief period of time. It makes me sad...


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Disaster Today After The Fire Drill

After the fire-alarms went off and most of you went home, Caitlyn and I went back in the building to try and print. Lindsay had to take off and go to her darkroom class. As we were walking around we could hear the pitter-patter of raindrops in the ceiling. After a few minutes people in the building started to realize that it was water leaking from the pipes...or somewhere.

Everyone went into battle mode. We dropped everything and started to move expensive items, cover them with whatever trash bags we could find. Several iMacs were having water dripping right onto them for several minutes. For the most part the quick thinking of people helped save the most expensive items we have down there. There will be a few iMacs that will need to be dried out...who knows if they can be salvaged. 

The original intent was to have prints due tomorrow during class. I am not sure that I can, in good conscience require them to still be due tomorrow. There's just no way that Phil can have the print lab up and running by tomorrow morning.

If you have your prints done, bring them. If not, don't worry about it. We'll talk about what can happen about the printing. 

Meet at 11am, just as planned. Bring your food. If we have to move rooms we will figure that out when we get there. I'll try and get there early and see what the situation is.

Thanks to Caitlyn for jumping in and just doing what needed to be done.

Please Be A Better Photographer Than This

Please do the right thing. This was the WRONG thing.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Helen Brush Jenkins

A pioneer in photojournalism has passed. Read her obit and look at the gallery.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Alex Webb

This is the photographer that we just barely missed seeing at the BYU MOA.

Alex Webb has an interview in today's LA Times.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Finals Schedule and Requirements

Ok gang, here we go! Finals next week and I can't wait to see what you have come up with for me.

Here's how we'll present. Monday we'll do Camera Phone and Portraits. I want to have you present in one of the classrooms that has a decent projector and I have used the classroom upstairs before. The nice thing about the room upstairs is that the screen is huge and there is a nice podium that you can speak from. I'll let you know what room we'll be in, so look for a sign on the darkroom door.

Each of you will stand in the front of the class and present your work. Feel free to talk as long as you'd like. Tell us what was important about your project. Tell us what you learned. Tell us about your struggles and tell us about your successes. Be prepared to offer feedback to those who are presenting. It is important to me that you are all able to form an opinion and articulate it. This is not going to be a 'Roast'. This will be a productive and inspirational critique. I promise.

Here's the schedule of days we'll present.

Final Critiques

17 - Camera-phone, Portraits
18 - Cause, Process (printing from 2-4pm in the print lab)
19 - Specific Place (snacky-food, food non-optional, 58% of your final grade is on your food).

Bring some light snacky-snacks to eat on the 19th. Here's your chance to impress us with your most recent recipe from Pinterest. ;)

Some requirements on your blog posts:

Create ONE blog post per assignment. 

You should put all of your photographs together in one blog post. Feel free to add as much additional text as you'd like. You can write below each individual image or you can add one block of text at the end. Either way is fine. You should plan on writing SOMETHING. It will help you when you present to have some thoughts in order. Please don't read what you put on your blog. Just get up and talk about what you did.

Minimum of five images for each project, maximum of twenty. Make 'em good.

Please, please, PLEASE remember the C.L.U.E.S.? when deciding what images to include and what to NOT include. I will be basing the majority of my grading on how well you can follow those guidelines. You have seen a LOT of great examples this term. Hopefully some of it has rubbed off. From what I have seen it most certainly has.

If you want to see how other classes did their finals and how they generally laid out their blog posts you can go to the blog for last spring.


On Monday we'll go over some things about presenting. I'm sure you will have some questions and we can answer them before we start presenting officially our final work.

ALSO...I believe we have two presenters on Monday who will be doing their reports about their photographers. Plan on taking 15 minutes each.

It'll be a busy day, but we may end up finishing early. If we do, we'll just dismiss and meet again on Tuesday. If it looks like the entire class time is too much then we'll adjust either the starting time or the ending time depending on what you guys need/want.

Tuesday will be the Cause and the Process. Afterwards from 2-4 we'll go to the print lab and print. 

Wednesday we'll finish and we'll probably end quite a bit early. If we do then I can show you some of the work I've been doing. I'll bring prints or show on the projector. If you'd rather just end early that's totes fine too. We'll play that by ear depending on how you guys are feeling.

Super-duper excited about next week. Feel free to call or e-mail or text if you have concerns or questions.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Photoshop and Body Image

Yeah yeah...we've heard it all before right? The Dove commercial was super powerful. The other Dove commercial was also super powerful.

Those two examples of a positive and affirming message of women's body image pales in comparison though to the constant barrage that the media (and us...as suppliers of imagery to the media) pounds down the throat of consumers.

Here's another before/after Photoshop comparison that is pretty powerful.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Scanning Demo

We will be doing a scanning demo on Thursday, June 13th. Bring negs. or prints, that you may want to scan.


Tomorrow in class starting at 11, Phil has graciously opened up the print lab for us to use as a lecture space. We will go over printing and the workflow. Please come (EVERYONE...) prepared to take notes and pay attention. IT WILL BE SOMEWHAT TEDIOUS, SO PLEASE STICK WITH THE PROGRAM.

Today we will be going over printing after the guest speaker.

We have a SPECIFIC TIME that Phil has allowed us to come in and print next week. You can come and print anytime the print lab is opened, but Phil is giving us TWO HOURS of time that is no one else but our class to print. Next Tuesday from 2-4pm is when he is coming in specifically to let us print. I will make the prints for the final due on Wednesday so you have time to come in and print on Tuesday afternoon.

The Print Lab is also open the following days and times:

6/10 10-2pm
6/11 11:30-2pm
6/12 10-2pm
6/13 11:30-2pm
6/18 11:30-2pm
6/20 11:30-2pm

I will go over the specifics of printing, how to pay, what sizes to make them, etc....today and tomorrow during class. IF you cannot be here you will be missing IMPORTANT stuffs.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Work Day Tomorrow

Hey it's a work day tomorrow...if you guys want to come and process film, it would be a great time to do that.

Let me know if anyone is coming...if NO ONE is coming, then I have something else I can do. :)

Where Can You Photograph?

Here's an article written by a lawyer that works for the National Press Photographers Association. It's a good one.


Perfect Pinterest Picture

This is a pretty interesting article about the Perfect Pinterest Picture.


Calibration and Profiling Software

Go to THIS LINK and you will find some downloads for the software that I use to calibrate my monitors (all 5 of them).

There are downloads for both Mac and PC.

Download and install on your computers and we'll calibrate your monitors. I'm bringing my calibration device today and we'll play with it for a while.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Speaking of working in the darkroom...

Here's a cool article about the photographers and darkroom technicians at Magnum.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Would You Die For Your Work?

Tim Samaras did yesterday in the tornadoes in Oklahoma.


Read about his amazing research and his unbelievably complicated camera.